Salmorejo cordobés with Sol Chiquito

El color del aceite de oliva virgen extra Sol Chiquito
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Extra virgin olive oil tasting at EXPOliva 2019
Visit to Expoliva 2019
El color del aceite de oliva virgen extra Sol Chiquito
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Extra virgin olive oil tasting at EXPOliva 2019
Visit to Expoliva 2019
Cordovan salmorejo

Here you have the Salmorejo cordobés recipe with our early harvest Sol Chiquito extra virgin olive oil. Choose between the picual, royal or arbequina varieties to make this recipe depending on your tastes.


  • Red tomatoes, 1 kg.
  • Garlic cloves, 1 or 2.
  • Extra virgin olive oil Sol Chiquito, from 100 to 150ml.
  • Bread loaf , 200 g. 
  • Salt, a touch. 
  • Eggs, 2. 
  • Serrano ham, 100 g. 


Start washing the tomatoes. You can use them with or withouth its peel, as you prefer. In the case that you do not peel them afterwards you would have to separate the peel from the salmorejo with a fine sieve. 

Peel one or two garlic cloves, depending on if you like more or less its flavour and cut the heart off to avoid its repetition. 

dd the early harvest Sol Chiquito extra virgin olive oil. You can choose between the different varietis depending on your tastes. ¿Do you want a soft oil that is not bitter or spicy? Choose the arbequina. ¿Do you prefer an oil that enforce the garlic spiciness with the green of the aromatics herbes? Use the royal. ¿Do you like intense flavours? We recommend you the picual. ¿Do you want  to live more tan 100 years? Do not hesitate; your oil is the Sol Chiquito Altofenol ecological picual

Add salt to taste and beat until everything is well mixed. 

Take bread pieces and put them in the shake. Leave them 15min so they soak and then beat again. Now you have the salmorejo that you can pass it through a sieve if you want to make it really fine, without seeds. Or do not. 

¿Have you already boil the eggs? So mince them and cute the serrano ham in small cubes. Put both on the salmorejo and then pour a large spoonful of Sol Chiquito EVOO. 


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