Olive oil tastings

Olive oil is part of the ancestral Mediterranean culture. It has accompanied us as food, a source of light, a remedy for ailments and diseases and even as part of religious rituals. We reveal all its secrets to you.

Our expert guide will show you the tricks to distinguish a quality oil, you will recognise the different varieties of olive oil and we will learn to appreciate all its nuances and aromas, such a pleasure for the senses!

Tradition, culture, health, flavor, legends and curiosities … Get to the heart of the exciting world of olive oil with us.

What is a tasting session?

For approximately 1 hour we will go deep into in the world of olive groves, the mythical olive trees, and its valuable liquid gold, authentic olive juice.

We will provide with official tasting material so that you can put your senses to a test as an expert taster, tasting two varieties of oil and assessing the positive attributes of olive oil and distinguishing the defects that you should avoid when buying your oil.

And of course, we will not leave without discovering how to get the most out of extra virgin olive oil for our health and in our kitchen. Did you know that olive oil contains the most powerful plant antioxidant known?

Participantes en una cata de aceite en Cazorla
Catadora de aceite de oliva virgen extra

Where do we do the oil tastings?

You will enjoy your tasting in the emblematic Ruins of the Church of Santa María, from the 16th century, a unique environment in which you will feel surrounded by beauty, centuries and history.

Shcedule and prices


  • Monday to Saturday, at 12.00 pm and 7.30 pm.


  • Adults, € 10
  • From 6 to 12 years old, € 5
  • Children under 6, free

CONTACT: Call 647429531 or write to info@olearum.com.